Monday, September 27, 2010

What can we do for our planet?

Technology and Ecology

Technology and Ecology. Does technology always mean progress?

Is our planet truly in danger?

What can we do for our planet? What should be done?

This is the text that goes with the trailer of HOME, a free movie directed by Yann-Arthus Bertrand. What do you think about it? Do you agree? Do you think we have to worry about the future of our planet?

In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it's too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption.

An Inconvenient Truth. Trailer.

Here you have a controversial proposal. Do you agree? Why? Why not? Can you think of another way of changing what is beeing done to Nature?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Marcelo:

    I'm agree with this proposa, I believe that forests, animals, lakes, rivers and all concerning to nature is important fot the planet and obiously for us. If we want to give a world that our children can live, we have to do something to save beautiful things that we have in our planet.

    Only one person can't do a lot of thing for helping the planet, so we have to work together as human for our planet!


  3. Unfortunately is too late to save the planet (remember that armaggedon is on the year 2012), naaah! Seriously speaking, there are still some things we can do -although those things won't change the course of events that led the planet to its destruction - such as recycling, consuming less energy than usual, hmmm I dunno, maybe planting more trees, and not using wet lumber in stoves ...

    My very humble and simple opinion , Jorge Molina

  4. Thanks for sharing your opinions... I hope you'll find interesting the documentary -HOME that we're about to watch and discuss...

  5. Today, people are only thinking in satisfying their oun necessities and don't in the environment where they live. If we don't care our planet, it would be difficult to have a good life style. Let's think about hydroelctics, It's true that can help us keeping our houses with electricity during long times, however, that places are destroid because of these kind of companies.
    It doesn't have a name!!!!

  6. I think that the men have been destroying the world from ever, each one of us is part of this destruction and it is time to change our thought about the exploitation that we make against the world.
    I am agree with the proposal, because the nature and the animals are the most wanderful things that the world have and we destroit it every day.
    The video is very hard but it is showing us the reality of our daily acts, and it is very bad.

    johana Pradena

  7. Our planet it's in danger, we all know that! the thing is that nobody do something to chage that. Well, maybe some people do, but is not enough, because they are the minority and to cause a change we have to work all together.
    Technolgy and ecology are very difficult concepts, but if these two things work together for a better planet tehre maybe will be big changes, but the bad news is that everyday these concepts are further away to work together.

  8. I agree with this propose, I think we have to work together as human to save and take care off our planet ! ( animals, forests,lakes, rivers,etc) we must take care off nature, animals, because it is the most wonderfull things that the world has, and we must take care of them!
    There are still some things that we can do such as: consuming less energy than usual, protect animals, I don't know what else ! but there are many things to do!

  9. Today it is very difficult the situation of our planet!
    Some people are worry about and do things to fix this situation, but is not enough.
    It is necessary that more people involved in this cause, after all, we live together and we share the natural resources that this planet gave us.
    The idea is to work together to live in peace for many centuries.

  10. Marcelo:

    According to "HOME"
    I like this topic, the planet, how to care it, to be aware of damage that people to exert on the earth. I believe that people only is in the planet for destroying the earth and surviving, to worried about them but not for the other creatures that eixist and live with us that help to the planet such as animals and plants.
    For this reason I have a question: ¿Is the human the only able to "think" really?
    Because I believe humans is the only creatures that are destroying themseleves.

    "Man is the only animal that eats without being hungry, drinks without being thirsty and talk without having anything to say".

  11. Taking care of the Earth is being a very controversial topic for our generation. The thing is that Earth’s resources are ending. It’s mainly human beings fault. But most of people don’t feel they are responsible for the damage to our planet.
    I think we as teacher as a misssion to educate the children that will be adults tomorrow about why Earth is important to them and how take care it.

