Monday, September 27, 2010

Do we master technology?

Does technology master us?

How do we use technology in our daily lifes? Is it important? Have we somehow felt addicted to technology, to a certain extent? Do we depend on it?

Think about the way our grand-parents used to live. Of course, technology didn't have the preeminence it has today. Think about the positive and negative aspects of technology. Technology should liberate us from unwanted tasks. Is it so? Julio Cortazar, an Argentinian writer, wrote a short text about a watch that was intended to be a gift. But he concluded the man was the present for the watch.

Do you consider yourself as a digital native?

Which are the digital utilities you use most? Why?

Which utilities would you use most as an English teacher?
Have a look at this, if you want, and choose one of the sites.

By the way, did you know...?


  1. I think that this video make us think a lot about the importance of technology.
    Nowadays technology is present in almost every thing of our lives. Each year the use of this resource has been growing disproportionately.
    All of us use technology, it could for convenience or by necessity.
    We can do everything using technology,it helps us solve many problems in daily life.
    Many married couples met through Internet (chat)maybe they lived far away but using technology it was possible to meet each other and fall in love.
    A lot of people have myspace, e-mail, facebook or other space of internet to express themselves, to meet people, to communicate different thoughts, etc. So, it's evident that technology is a very important way that human beings use to communicate.
    We can also use internet for example to search information about anywhere around the world.Every year the number of people that use internet grows.
    Electronic inventions are used by people everyday. Telephones, mp3, i-phone, cameras, tvs, radios, cars, computers,etc.
    I think that human beings depend of technology.
    Technology and internet represent an important and big space for advertising. People around the world can be connected and informed by technology.
    Technology represent an important opportunity to teacher and students. Teacher can make use of different technological resources to develop their classes. Mass media has a lot of material to teachers and students. If we are intelligent we could take advantage of this everyday (music, videos, web pages, etc. are some of the materials that teachers and students can use to study and learn.
    Finally I can say that technology represent a lot of things in our lives and every year we use it to have a better quality of life. If technology wouldn't exist human beings would havemore problems that we have today.

    Ximena Tirapegui T.

  2. I think that, according to the topic obviously...
    that technology help us a lot, our lifes are very simply thanks to the technology, but we need to know how use it.

    Pamela Sepulveda

  3. I think Technology is very importan for us, because we as Teachers have to find the best and the appropiate way to teach to our students.

  4. we can be a master of tecnology because the man is who made all tecnology that exist in this moment.

    the tecnology today is a very important tool in our life but we need to use in a good way.

    Karina Curihuinca

  5. Nowadays it's really important to consider technology in our lives, specially use it in our classes. Maybe years ago teachers only have some resourses insted of technology but I think they were more prepared to do clesses, why?, that's because they thought on differents resourses. We as teacher don't have to depend all the time of technology, as we know sametimes it fail in less seconds, so we need to have different resourses with us.

  6. My opinion is that nows a days technology definitely master our life. Technology is everywhere, in our houses, work, universities, schools, stores, etc. We are so conditioned to use technology for all or most of the things we do that today would be very difficult to live without it.

  7. I think that Technology is very important because it is used in all fields of life. You use mobile phones, watch TV, use computers and internet and use machines. Just consider your daily routine and count all the technological products which you use in one single day and you will realize the significance of technology. Also Technology is important because we as Teachers should use the appropiate and best way to teach to our students across of differents resourses that offer technology.

  8. I believe that technology is one of the most important things nowdays, without it, is very difficult to communicate us, we know that we are in a globalizated world, so we need the technology, for example, we can communicate with a person who is abroad, to buy something online, so on, also is very interesting to use technology with oue students, for this reason in Chile is used TICS, because is an interactive way to teach to students, nowdays children are master in technology, they are born in the techology age, isn`t difficult to find to a little child master in technology. We are in the technology age.

    Abigail Larenas G.

  9. I think that tecnology is more part of us every day, because the life in the city need different kind of tecnologyc elements like cellphones, computers and so on, but I think that life could be more complex without tecnology, but the tecnology is managing our lifes, and it is so bad because we are deppending of technology, it is true that it is a usefull tool but we must live and be able to live without tecnology. and will be more happy.
    Johana Pradena

  10. IN my case, I can say that with the pass of the time, there are lot of different new elements that change everyday. Maybe, I can manage many technological things but if I'm not reading or learning about new inventions, definitely I will be manage for the technology. It is necessary, specially for us, that we learn how to use different ICT resouces to increase the level of our classes with children.

  11. We live in a digital era where everything moves and works through the technology, it has facilitated human life , we can see that the communication is faster through the internet you can reach everybody, even our Entertainment is determined by technology, although seen as a positive way, I think it had a negative impact in terms of excessive use of this .the technology has allowed that children and adults from becoming more intrapersonal people, technology has enabled children and adults from becoming more intrapersonal people, in this case I could mention the use of the Internet, which often is not used for educational purposes if not rather increase leisure, especially in our Chilean culture where we have become more consumerist than producers of tecnology.
    katherine Torres

  12. I think Technology is very importan for us, because we as Teachers have to find the best and the appropiate way to teach to our students and technology is wonderful resources.
    Today technological resources are one of the most important materials that teachers use, so in this context we can say that technology dominates us. Now a days we use technology in everything that we do in our daily life. Television, cellphones, refrigerator, microwave, notebooks, etc. are some of the things that we always use. If technology disappeared from one day to another, nobody know what to do. I think that as a society we depends on technology.

  13. In my opinion technology has not improve our lives in terms of the quality of life. I think that because people is more apart each other, and technology just help them be comfortable with things their grandparents had to do with hands.

