Monday, September 27, 2010

Can machines think as we do?

LIKE TEARS IN THE RAIN. The most famous scene from Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, adapted from Phillip K. Dick's novel Do androids dream of electric sheep?

2001, A Space Odyssey. Trailer.

Which is the difference between the ways machines and human beeings think, in Isaac Asimov's opinion?

In which way do you think we should anticipate the future in order to avoid the negative aspects future changes can bring?


  1. I think that machines use artificial intelligence, Machines are only mechanisms,that are programed. However, they need an operator at least before starting any application. The basic thing is that machines are dependant of us the humans beings, This presentation that we explain to our classmates speaks about if Can machines think as we do and we shown different arguments about the topic, also the presentation was porpuseful because we investigated about the topic.

  2. Once again... Blade Runner is not "adapted from Phillip K. Dick's novel Do androids dream of electric sheep?", it's "based on..."

  3. The one that wrote the previous post was me, Daniela León

  4. I think in some part of the debate , the concept of machines thinking was missunderstood, because machines just follow orders and therefore, they do not act by their own will, as so that cannot be considered as THINKING .


    Jorge <Molina.

  5. Machines are somehow part of technologies and today technologies are part of our daily life. For technologies are in some way machines that help us in important things like to communicate and in things of domestic use like a washing machine or a microwave.

    Machines have shown that are very important for us and are even more intelligent than humans. Machines help us and in a near future will be use it for many more things.

  6. I am totally desagree with some scientifics who say that machines can think as we do, I think that machines just can receive and to execute orders from humans, they can't think and they can't feel as we do, feelings are part of the brain, and they just have mechanisms, responding to sensors, they are created by the human intelligence, and I also believe that we have a soul, which is what give us the life, obiously machines don't have one.

    Abigail Larenas G.

  7. The science and technology are progressing every day,probably in the future machines help us in our daily life and will be normal to see a machine walking down the street or in the supermarket, schools, hospital, etc.
    The bad aspect could be that machines replace the human work, for example in our case, machines replace teachers, this would be a bad thing to us. I hope that this never happen.
